In the Name of God Amen I, John Michael Enderlein, of Upper Paxton Township in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania, being at present in the Seventieth year of Age but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given unto God Calling unto mind the Mortality of my body and the Uncertainty of time, when it may please God the Lord of Life and Death to call me from hence and that nothing may encumber me after my God grant happy Decease Do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner following. I recommend my Soul in the Hands of Almighty God that gave it and my body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian burial at the Discretion of my Executors. As touching such Worldly Estate where-with it has pleased God to bless me in this Life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form...
First, I bequeath and devise to my Dear Wife Anna Barbara that she shall have full Authority over all my Estate Houses Barns Stables plantation Saw Mill Garden Orchard Meadow and Plowland, and her creatures to regular and Command therein to the best of her two Sons J. Michael and J. Paul. She my Wife A. Barabara Shall agree with her two Sons, John Michael and J. Paul to give her a Decent Sufficient Maintainment out of the Plantation and Saw Mill During her Natural life, with proviso that if my said Wife Anna Barbara could not peaceably agree with her said Sons Concerning the Livelihood before mentioned, then and in Such case the matter shall be decided between Credible Neibours and to their Judgment the said parties shall Consent. But if one of her said Sons, or either of them should become Negligent in his business, also that she my Wife should fall in want, then and in such case, it shall and may be Lawful and my said Wife A. Barabara, Shall have power to rent his Share away to Another, and turn him and his family away from the plantation and Saw Mill by Course of Law, And if they both should become Negligent Also that she my said Wife should fall in want by their Neglect, She my Wife in such case shall have Power to turn them both away as aforesaid, as long as she my Wife A. Barabara lives. But if my Wife Anna Barbara should have any money at the time of her decease, it shall not be reckoned to the loose Goods, but it shall be divided Among the Brothers and Sisters in Equal shares. My Wife's best bed and what belongs thereto she my Wife Anna Barbara shall give of leave to him or her Child, with whom or by whom she shall or may be in her last Sickness and decease. Of her Chest and Clothes, she may dispose at her own pleasure. But if my said Wife Anna Barbara should marry again then and in such case she shall have her best bed and what belongs to it AND HER CHEST AND CLOTHES AND IN THE FOLLOWING May Month her two Sons, John Michael and John Paul shall pay to her twenty pounds good and Lawful money of this State of which she shall give receipt and Quit plantation and Saw Mill and every part thereof and it shall be as if she had died...
Secondly, I give and bequeath to my first son John Michael after my Decease my Silver watch and after my and my wife's Decease his brother John Paul shall pay him Six Dollars. This above mentioned said John Michael shall have more than his brother John Paul, and also over and above the bequests made to him hereafter.
Thirdly, the Plantation and Land where I now live on I suppose it to be Two Hundred and Fifty Acres-Therefore I give and Bequeath unto my two Eldest Sons John Michael and John Paul after my and my Wife's Anna Barbara decease Two Hundred Acres thereof whereon the Saw Mill Houses and other Improvements in Adjoining Isaac Hillar, Samuel Ludwig and others for them the said J. Michael and John Paul their Heirs and Assigns forever Jointly or fully and as I myself held the same, Together with the Grain in the Field and in the Barn Except my Wife's Bed and Chest before-mentioned. And also all my Moveable Estate Yielding and paying thereout to their Brothers and Sisters as shall be hereafter Described and Mentioned. My loose goods above mentioned I value to Sixty pounds and it is my will that no further valuation nor sale Shall be made thereof.
Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my third Son Daniel of this above mentioned two Hundred and Fifty Acres, Fifty Acres of Land beginning of the Upper end of the Line Adjoining Jacob Brosius and others, where the Spring is for him his Heirs and Assigns forever; and if he Daniel should choose to live on it himself his Brothers John Michael and John Paul shall help to build a House and Stable thereon. The inside thereof Daniel shall finish himself or his own Charges. The Board and Scandling he shall want thereto he may bring his wood to the Mill and his Brothers shall let him saw them for nothing (this right for Sawing and Building shall be for no Heirs nor Assigns). But if said Daniel should die under Age or without Heir the Land shall come back to his two Brothers J. Michael and J. Paul their Heirs and Assigns forever, Yielding and Paying thereout to their two Sisters Anna Mary and Elizabeth the Sum of Forty seven pounds and ten Shillings that is to Mary Twenty three pounds fifteen Shillings. Also my two Sons has the Land for One Hundred Pounds so they do get for their share Fifty Five Pounds - the Five pounds if for the first born J. Michael which he shall have over and above his Brother and Sisters - this money to be paid One Year after the death of said Daniel (if it should so happen) to their said Sisters Provided Nevertheless and upon this condition that if my said Sons John Michael and John Paul think themselves incumbered of for them Damnified with he bequests made unto their Brother Daniel so as they would not share or Divide the Land or Settle it Conveniently then and in such case it is my Will that they shall have power and Liberty to purchase or get Another piece or Tract of Land Elsewhere for said Daniel Equivalent to the Soil or Value of the above-mentioned fifty acres. The Judgment thereof Shall be decided by Credible Farmers of which each parties may choose his Respective Man or Men and by their Judgment and declaration the matter shall be settled.
Fifthly, I give and Bequeath to my Eldest Daughter Ann Mary now intermarried with Adam Lander the Sum of thirty pounds or eighty dollars to be paid to her by my two Sons John Michael and John Paul One Year after my and my Wifes decease.
Sixthly, I give and bequeath to my Second daughter Elizabeth intermarried with Henry Wirth the sum of thirty pounds or eighty dollars to be paid to her by my two Sons John Michael and John Paul two Years after my and my wifes Anna Barabara decease. This before-mentioned my two Daughters Shall have besides what they have got already. And to Avoid all Disputes and differences hereafter if it should be that there should be more land in the tract bequeathed to my Sons than the above Mentioned two Hundred and Fifty Acres it is my will that such Over plus (if there be any shall fall to my Eldest Sons John Michael and John Paul Sole Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow and revoke all former testaments, Wills, Legacies and Executors ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set My Mind and seal this thirteenth Day of August in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Ninety Six 1796.
Signed Sealed published John Michael Enderlein
pronounced and Declared by
the said Jno. Michael Enderlein
as his Last Will and Testament
in the presences of us....
Philip Bachtel
Jno. Matter
Adam Kupper
Proved March 29th 1800 Will Book-B Page 4-1800-06
Dauphin County Court House
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 12/19/36
Johann Michael Enterline II...
John Paul Enterline...
Daniel & Lucinda Enterline...
Anna Maria (Enterline) Lenker...
Elizabeth (Enterline) Wirth...