27. Bessie Ruth, Oct. 23, 1890 -
m. Walter Kienholz (1887- ), July 17, 1912
28. Myra Elizabeth, Jan. 8, 1893 -
m. Campbell Mayran ( 1890 - ), June 16, 1914
29. Edward Clayton, Apr. 16, 1895 -
m. Ruth Hunter ( 1896 - ), June 20, 1915
30. Norman Ephraim, June 8, 1898 -
m. Jeanette Baker ( 1898 - ), Nov. 18, 1918
31. Jean Olive, Sept. 14, 1900 -
m. George Parker ( 1897 - ),
32. Anna, June 6, 1903-Feb. 26, 1904
George was the son of Oliver Roberts, a farmer of Greenfield Township in Erie County. Oliver Robetts was a veteran of our Civil War, having enlisted at North East on November 25, 1861 in Company F, lllth Pennsylvania Volunteers. For wounds received at the battle of Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, he was discharged November 11, 1864. George had attended the local district school and helped his brother on the farm and later worked for some time as a fireman. He had a run on the Pennsylvania R. R. out of Erie for a while and later fired steam shovels several different places around the country and for a while worked at the Hammermill Paper Company in Erie.
About the time of their marriage the bride's father, Edward Cass, bought them the farm of their choice and built a house for them, doing most of the masonry work himself as he was a cometent mechanic. This farm on the Clark Road was the home of the Roberts family until after the death of Mr. Roberts, though for a time the family lived on a farm near Fairview, Pennsylvania.
George Roberts had a very lenient disposition and seldom found it necessary to chastise any of his children. His amiable disposition was probably one of the reasons for his phenomenal success in handling refractory and vicious horses. He also taught his sons many ways of controlling vicious animals. In his spare time he learned to play a violin quite well and used this ability to entertain his family and friends. He was also an excellent checker player.
Mrs. George Roberts was born at the old Cass homestead in Factory Gulch and spent her childhood and youth there. Like many other children of her time she had some thrilling experiences. Once while crossing Six-Mile Creek on a foot bridge just below the Cass mill with her Aunt Jane, four year old Mary Cass fell into the creek. As the creek was in flood she would probably have drowned, as her aunt stood by screaming and wringing her hands, had a factory worker not heard the screaming above the sound of the rushing water and rushed out to rescue the child.
After completing the local school course she helped in the factory and after her mother's death managed the house for her father. During that period her father provided for her personal use a saddle horse and equipment.
In later years Mrs. Roberts operated a hand loom in her home making rugs and carpets for her neighbors. She was for many years a member and a leader in the South Harbor Creek United Brethren Church, where she seldom failed to attend the services. She was ill for several years before her death and spent her last years at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Campbell Mayran, until the marriage of her son Edward, when she went to live with him on the old Roberts place, where she died.
Anna Roberts died when less than a year old the same night and in the same house in which her grandfather, Edward Cass, died. A double funeral was held at the Cass home and while Edward Cass was buried at South Wales Cemetery, Anna Roberts was buried at the Hoag Cemetery, as were her father and mother later.
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