John Cass received his schooling at the Owens' Corner grade school, after which he helped his father on the farm for a number of years before starting on a farm of his own. He lived at first in the old house near the South Harbor Creek M. E. Church and later, about 1908, he moved into his remodeled house across the road from the Kendrick residence, where Mrs. Cass's family still lived. John Cass purchased his farm from three different people, one an old Englishman who boarded at his place in his late years, William Buckle, another of whom was a Mr. Stark.
John S. Cass proved to be a good farmer, a good judge of live stock and especially a good manager. He managed to save some money and by making shrewd investments he became the most prosperous farmer in his locality, if not in the entire township. It is said that he received his initial start as a successful horse and live stock trader, at any event he did very little such trading in his later years. He followed a line of general produce farming, had a large acreage of grapes and a large herd of cattle. In his late years he also managed the large Kendrick farm for his sister-in- law, Edith Kendrick, and kept it on a paying basis despite the depression. About 1932 he started his own milk delivery business and continued it as long as he lived. About 1935 he sustained a head injury in an automobile accident and although he still managed his and the Kendrick farms, he was subject to pains in the head from which he never fully recovered. Mr. Cass was named as an executor of the Kendrick estate at the death of his sister- in-law, Edith Kendrick, but was too ill to attend her funeral and died later on the same day.
Mrs. John S. Cass was the daughter of Charles and Eliza (McClune) Kendrick. Charles Kendrick was born in England. He was a prominent man in his neighborhood, serving as school director and township road commissioner in addition to operating his farm. He had lost an eye in an accident.
Mrs. John S. Cass was of an unusually amiable disposition and very popular locally, especially with the younger folks. She used to play the piano and enjoyed having the young folks gather at the Cass home to sing, play games or to hold parties. In his youth Mr. Cass was musically inclined and had a good bass voice. He had been a member of the South Wales Band, being a good player on both violin and cornet.
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