26. HAROLD JOHN CASS, June 12, 1896 -
b. S. Harbor Creek, Pa.
b. Allegheny County., Pa.
Married June 15, 1929 at Pittsburgh, Pa.

Harold Cass graduated from the Harbor Creek High School an 1913, worked with his father on the farm a while and in various shops producing material for military use in World War I. He graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1923 with a B. S. degree in Civil Engineering.

Since his graduation from college he has worked steadily at his chosen profession with the exception of a few years during the financial depression following 1929 during which time he and his wife worked on his father's farm in Erie County. Mrs. Harold Cass; having come from the city, surprised and pleased the other members of the Cass family by her willingness and ability to dig in and work with any of them. Here her childhood experiences on a farm stood her in good stead.

Harold Cass' experience has been quite varied as his work has been on many different types of jobs where the work ended when the design or construction of the work was completed. This feature of his profession has also necessitated his changing locations rather frequently and in making quick changes between positions to avoid periods of unemployment.

His longest term of employment at one place was with the Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Bureau of Bridges from 1924 to 1931. During this time he worked as a draftsman assisting on the designing and planning of bridges and other structures. Other projects on which he worked were sponsored by the Pennsylvania State Highway Department, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; the U. S. Resettlement Administration at Towanda, Pennsylvania, the Carnegie-Illinois Steel Company at Pittsburgh at two different times, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, and since April, 1941 he has been working in the drafting rooms of the Arthur G. McKee Company at Cleveland, Ohio. His work has included both design and construction, both office and field work and at times has given him supervision of a large force of men.

For about five years it has been a great pleasure to Harold Cass to search the libraries in the various cities where he worked and compile a record of the ancestry of his mother's family. This record he has traced back to the time of King Arthur in England, and he has voluminous data on the different members of the family from early colonial days on down to the present.

Harold Cass and Daisy McClester were married by Reverend Reber of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church, where she was a member for some time. She is a daughter of David Patterson and Eliza Jane (McLaughlin) McClester, both natives of Allegheny County, and both of Scotch-Irish descent. Her father had a farm out of Coraopolis, where he raised stock, and did general farming. There were five girls and one boy in the family. Their father died before Daisy, the youngest was born. He had been a progressive farmer, always working to better the quality of his stock. Her mother's family, too, were progressive farmers, her grandfather had traveled all the way to New England to purchase good breeding stock to better his own flocks.

After David McClester's untimely death, her mother, true to her ancestry, managed the farm, and raised her children to be good citizens. She managed to give them all a good education, and trained them to succeed in the business world. The son did not care for farming as a life work, so, later the farm was sold, and the family moved to Pittsburgh. This son is now holding a responsible position with the Allegheny Ludlum Steel Company.

Before her marriage, Mrs. Cass had worked as a stenographer and correspondent in the mail order office of the Spear Company of Pittsburgh for some time, the last few years of which, she was in charge of training new help.

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